Friday, September 12, 2008

Week of September 15, 2008

8th Grade Orchestra:
Practice Cards due by Tuesday, 9AM!
We will have orchestra on Monday and Friday only due to ISTEP testing.
C Major scale - two octaves
Kassation - entire piece
Mambo - entire piece
Flutes - m. 35 - end - We haven't done this in class. See if you can do it all on your own.

7th Grade Orchestra:
Practice Cards due by Tuesday, 9AM!
We will have orchestra on Monday and Friday only due to ISTEP testing.
E.E. - 80-89
Integrity - entire piece
Joust - entire piece
Night Shift - be able to play the main melody, especially where you have your shifting section
Shifting 3 - everyone should be able to pass this test by the week after ISTEP

6th Grade Orchestra:
Practice Cards due by Tuesday, 9AM! This week you should be practicing for one hour total this week.
We will have orchestra on Monday, Tuesday and Friday only due to ISTEP testing.
There will be a 90 second timed note quiz over the notes on your flashcards on Tuesday. Study these every day. Be able to say the names and the fingers used to play the note.
E.E. - 19-27
Pepperoni Pizza variation of Twinkle
All pieces in the white book up through Twinkle